
Overview of scientific publications as well as professional articles and talks, which were published or held by me or with my collaboration.

How to Create a Browser Extension

Lars Kölker
I’ll bet you are using browser extensions right now. Some of them are extremely popular and useful, like ad blockers, password managers, and PDF viewers.

Magnification Approaches for Gaze-Based Interaction

Prof. Dr. Robert Mertens, Florian Schniederjann, Darius Rausch, and Lars Kölker
Human physiology limits the accuracy and precision of eye tracking solutions. Despite these limitations
World Scientific Publishing Company

Webentwicklung: Detaillierte Linkvorschauen von Websites automatisiert erstellen

Lars Kölker
Neben Bildern und Videos bieten soziale Medien auch Links — die so nur wenig Informationen preisgeben. Mithilfe einer Vorschau können Entwickler das ändern.
heise online

Data is Key: Scraping Metadata from Websites

Lars Kölker
WeAreDevelopers World Congress is considered by many as the world's flagship event for developers. It is not just another developer conference - it is a totally different and astonishing experience with focus on the people, on developers, on you.
WeAreDevelopers World Congress